This is a condition I am not familiar with but nevertheless, will dive into tonight.
There is an appropriate amount of terrifying in this for an album with "-phobia" in the title.
Alcoholism - An addiction to the consumption of alcoholic beverages

There is simply too much terrifying in this for anything... Ever.
Yes, kids, it's time again for that ever lovable mash-up of new tunes, beer, and flawless music tastes: Albums & Alcohol!
Tonight, one of my FAVORITE (caps necessary) act's has a shiny new album just for me. Cage The Elephant's third studio effort, Melophobia, is a disc I have been anticipating since starting this blog, and now, I must put it under my ever blurring, hazy and drunken eye of scrutiny. And so, with GREAT excitement, ON WITH THE REVIEW!
Cage The Elephant - Melophobia
Surly Furious
"Spiderhead" opens the disc with some droning chords before settling into a lowkey driving feel. This is a mellow opener but is very CtE. I like the vocal performance in the chorus, and the change up into the second chorus and through the second chorus is cool. A wonderful almost dance grunge feel, and those dirty guitar tones are incredible. Skipping part into a really cool outro. Not a big punch for the open, but a good song. Off to a good start!
Carrying on the lowkey driving feel into "Come a Little Closer". The distorted-ish vocal affect is cool, and the chorus comes out sounding so much bigger than it actually is. It's a really cool dynamic effect. The second chorus feels bigger, but I'm not sure if it is actually different. The little guitar ditty is actually really cool as well. Drivving bass into a very low key bridge. Growning with a sexy guitar drone feedback thing... Drumms... Vocals swelling... Back into the chorus. Mostly the same, but more driving, and some nice drum fill action.
Key open up "Telescope". A very pretty feeling to this song. Loving the vocals. Drums settle into a pop-ballad feel giving a nice groove as well. Dropping out after the first chorus. The melodies here are reminicent of the Beatles, and I'm digging it hard. The song is solid. Not great, but oh opening up the guitars, and a really cool solo part. Builds into an almost shouting verse over the mellow music. Sweet CtE style ballad, and I like it. The last minute took this from mediocre to cool.
And driving out of "Telescope" comes "It's Just Forever". Groovy driving bass leads the attack on this almost creepy song featuring Alison Mosshart. So much sexy. Tempo change, and the timing is all over the place, but god, this song is cool. The guitar work adding accents add--OHMYGOD. Allison! Belt that shit! It's the prefect blending of Mosshart's weird awesomeness, and CtE's grunge coolness. Keys! Oh shit! The keys! To end it. Killer tune. Favorite so far.
Keeping that groove-grunge feel going with "Take It or Leave It". This song itself feels like a beautiful blend of the 60s and 90s, and the marriage is beautiful. Just the dynamics in and out of the choruses are making me smile, but this song takes each part and gives it its own punch. Excellent interlude. That guitar! So amazing! Good song.
"Halo" opens with a cool guitar lick, and goes into this driving guitarline that keeps the grunge feel going. Switching from drive to groove and back all while building to the chorus. Beautiful. There is a bit of an over all static feel to the album thus far, but the individual songs have great things going for them. This song's chorus though, is finally seeing CtE opening up, and really getting out there in terms of bigger sound.
AWESOME! Intro to "Black Widow" features some horns, and it's a strange feel song, but its really showing what makes me LOVE them. Perfectly taking grunge, dance, 60s new wave and punk elemnts and fusing them into pure sex for my ear holes. I'm loving this tune. That chorus alone is SO MUCH GODDAMN FUN!
Subtle chords bring us into "Hypocrite". This song is super mellow, but really cool in the approach. Hard to describe as it kicks in there is a distict drive that is felt even with out a driving beat, but it's so bouncy as well. Think if they didn't make "Shake Me Down" such a single feeling song. I dig this. Also, more horns, and who doesn't love horns (For those of you who don't, you're wrong!)? "Ah-OOOOOOOooooo!" Awesome fall apart ending.
And putting is back together with the first clear punch to the face with "Teeth". Such a cool aggressive sound. Angrysong, and god, the guitars are fighting between coherent and fuck you Im blaring in you face. And the vocals walk the line between them. "Aw, shut up and dance". The lyric before going into an awkward rhythm bridge. And MORE HORNS@! God, yes! I can feel my teath as well. Abrasive end--no brakdown. Groovy horns. Spokenword. Word. =P The last album I reviewd that did this was a shitty out come(Looking at you, THE used!). This is sexy though. And somewhat coherant. Ending out the song...
And into soft guitar chorus and piano to open "Cigarette Daydreams". pretty. Beers getting to me... Screen is hard to see, but song is pretty.I really like the piano line in and out of the verses. Ballad feel, but pushing out of the second chorus. Into some slide guitar. Then drop out. acoustic guitar and voice. kicks back into chorus and excelent abrupt ending.
Final Thoughts:
When I first heard Thank you, Happy Birthday, I thought, WHOA, This is a change up from their first effort. Melophobia manages to take the first towo albums and blend the sounds with much success. While this album may not be the revelation I felt with either of the first two, it stands as a killer disc that anyone who enjoys CtE will be sure to love. And if you aren't familiar, this disc is a nice starting place as if you even enjoy one song off of this album, one of their previous efferts (I tried three times and still misspelled that word) will be right up your alley. In eessence. Good disc.
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Cage the elephant to date has been an awesome band so far