I mention this because tonights album is being done as a sort of homework for a band that I was recently turned on to. I say homework because I'm being taken to a show they are playing here in a week, and I'm only somewhat aware of, like, two tunes. Also, the band is comprised of members in their teens who should either fresh out of, or should still be in, high school. Ugh... I should've done more than drink as a teen.
So young. So innocent. So... Irish?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention they are from Ireland. Which is cool with St. Patty's Day being yesterday, right? Maybe. In any event, I'm excited to hear a group of kids that impressed Elton John while having beverages they can't legally consume here in the U.S. (And they call this the home of the free! Psshhh!) Speaking of those sorts of beverages, I'm trying the new Sam Adam's Rebel IPA. Never had it before, so it will be subjected to review as well.
Well, I have nothing more to spew and drank a left over beer to prime myself, so with a six pack and album ready, on to the review!
Snapshot opens with "Mystery Man", coming in with feedback and guitar sounds before exploding into an excellent blues rock riff. Settling in would be the wrong word, but more accelerating into the verse, and so much energy and drive with definite blues tones all over. The song finally slows into the second verse, but only for a short time. Harmonica solo. Killer. Holy. Shit.
Killer tune ends and another takes off. Killer blues riffing opens "Blue Collar Jane". Such a swingtastic tune. So refined in sound, yet high energy, and fun and all over the place. The vocals give the slightest hint of youth, but not due to performance, but rather tone. Fade out ending, though. Poor form.
"Im a Hog for you Baby" opens with a killer guitar flourish before dropping into a nice heavy-yet-fast-paced groove.Launching into a nice solo after the chorus. The lyrics here are slightly ridiculous, but fun. Everything I've heard has been fun so far. I love punk blues feel. Nice chugging harmonica solo. This tune actually borders on honky tonk, and I'm totally cool with that. Really fun track.
"What The People Don't See" opens with a honky tnk feel again, but as it continues, the disc finds it's first more "Modern" feel. Albeit in a retro-modern sort of way. The blues is definitely present, but there is an over arcing garage rock feel. Not a bad thing in the slightest, and this is certainly more entertaining than most garage rock. Love it.
Harmonica explodes into "She's So Fine". Keeping that high energy blues going, and I'm overjoyed at how much excellent groove they retain while pressing the tempo so much. Ahhh! Even the messiness is bluesy. Because bluesiness is messy. Beautiful.
Alright, still quick, but definitely a little more settled is "I Can Tell", and it definitely sounds like the vocalist hit puberty right after the last track. Which is possible, but I'm guessing he just has a nicely versatile voice. And the overall sound is like if the 60s did all of the coke. I mean that in the best way possible. Killer track.
"Angel Eyes" breaks down the pacing a lot. Giving us our first real slow point. Executed beautifully. Slow jamming, and keeping perfect blues form. Vocals continue to surprise me throughout this disc. That guitar tone is incredible as well. God, something this amazing, I'm not even going to assume they made a pact with the devil, no they kicked him in the testicles, and handed over their demands. I wonder if God would approve of that more than making a deal? Either way, I am falling for angel eyes, and by that I mean The Strypes.
And bringing the energy right back is "Perfect Storm". And here we return to the garage rock feel. Definitely hearing some Jet comparisons here, but given everything to this point, these guys are blowing Jet out of the water (The sky?). This track may not be my favorite, but for those not acclimated to the blues, it may be a good starting point. Very accessible.
The famous Bo Diddley cover "You can't judge a book by looking at The Cover". Killer. Can't say much more. Soo much energy while keeping true to everything blues. I'm wowed, floored, and above all else, excited for next week!
"I Don't Want To Know" another killer blues song on speed. Everything so fun and aggressive, and I don't think I've mention the dynamics suet, but they are done phenomenally as well. And that's saying something for a young band. Granted, I've moved on from my thought on devils and deals... I'm going with straight up possession. Obviously, the blues gods have entered the souls of these young RIshmen and are unleashing what will become the best case senario apocalypse ever.
"What A Shame" takes the tempo down just a scosch. Andother fun garage rock track. Maybe a low point for me. Not bad, but certainly not quite at the astronomically high bar set thus far on the disc. But that messy feedback solo? And the crazy speed part after? Redeeming. They obviously heard my thoughts. Cool.
"Hometown Girls" have such a cool intro, and launches into such a cool track. Might be one of my favs. Could be the growth out of the previous track, but it's killer either way. still loving... Shit... Eerything. The guitar tones, the cleanness. The messiness. The vocals. The solos. The fact that the bassist finger are still intact is simply impossible. I'm borderline pissed that this is so good. I know that sounds absurd, but so is how good this disc is~!
Drums kick us into "Heart of The City". And by kick, I mean pummel us into the best asswhooping we could ever hope to have. Shuch a groovy drive. By the way, the beer is incredible as well. I'm incredibly please wight his night all around!
Sadly, we've reach the final track. Not so sadly, the opening has just grabbed me by my eardrums and made sweet, sweet love to them, followed by a good hard fucking. Holy shit. Killer close thus far. Capturing so much blues, but with so much aggressing and energy. Can it be a week from now? Nice quiet to loud call and repeat. And slowing... Bass... And... Solo! And holy fuck-my-ass! Growning and soloing and growing... And smacking my face! And... Stop. Drum... Kick in. Shit... Just... Shit.
Final Thoughts:
There is shit in my drawers, cream in my jeans, and a smile on my face. I think my ears just said their lives have reached completion. Yeah, I liked this one. If you don't, you're wrong. So wrong, in fact, you can never in your life be right again. The end.
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