I'd like to start off by apologizing my absence in the blog world for the past couple of weeks. My holidays, though exciting, were rather hectic. I, sadly, had little time to blog between travel, friends, and my apartment building catching fire (But that's a story for another day).
Anywho, the important thing to note is that I'm back! And I have box of Franzia Chardonnay because fuck you, I'm not made of money. While driving to see family, I heard this song on the radio:
The song is stupid catch (Um... That's a compliment, I promise).
The song jumped at me right away mostly because the area where I heard it had roughly 13 country, 6 classic rock, and 3 conservative talk radio stations available. It's extremely rare that I hear something new and interesting on my drive to Iowa (And often everything I hear is neither).
That made me decide to look into the song, and I discovered Lorde is gaining ground in the states quite quickly. Normally, I'm not big on bandwagons, but since I was away for the holidays, I thought I'd share a piece of them with all of you!
Now, before this gets anymore sappy, on to the review!
Franzia Chardonnay (5L box because FUCK YEAH!)
Pure Heroine opens on "Tennis Court", a subtle intro track. I love the sound of her voice. The synth is nice and ethreal. The song picks up into the chorus. A nice burst without exploding. Dropping back into a verse. The chorus come back in very similarly. Musically, the track is very lowkey, and has a really cool feel. Drop to electronic snare and voice quickly before jumping back into the chorus. Lyrically, it's back and forth between, really cool, and oh yeah, she's 16.
400 Lux comes in with a synth drone and another relaxed beat. I really like the beats thus far. They are simple and subtle, yet they retain an interest. Lyrics follow suit here again, but there is just such a nice groove here. Niut here again. That voice is soooo cool sounding. Drop out to drones... And back into the chorus. There is something to what Lorde is doing. So hook oriented, but not mindlessly so.
"Royals" comes in with a nice bass drum and snap beat. And I LOVE the voice and lyrics. Even those little harmonies are soo cool. That chorus has gotta be one of the coolest things ever written. The second verse brings in this wobbly synth that add so much. The wobbly continues and grows throughout the song. The little bridge part is a nice break with out straying too far from the feel of the rest of the tune. Into the final chorus and end. Great tune.
Synths hold to open "Ribs". A groups of synth voices come in. It swells before dropping into a nice driving groove. This is a pleasant swing. There is, like, a tremolo or rotary effect on the synth, and that is really cool. The chorus has the building feeling that drops back into the intro. The second verse is slightly stripped back. This song really breaks from a R&B/almost rap feel into an electronic indie rock feel, and I can dig it. Voice trails off nicely to end the track.
A beat and piano of sorts opens "Buzzcut Season". This song isn't quite as gripping as it's predecessors, but still has it's merits. And as long as that voice keeps singing, I will keep listening. Really have to keep reminding myself that this girl is only 16. Both because the songs have such a mature feel to them, and I am trying not to come off creepy in any thing I say. =P Good track here.
"Team" opens with a group of voices, and in REALLY cool fashion. Into a brown out of sorts. Subtle synths pushing this track allong with a cool driving bass drum. Opening up a little into the chorus. I dig this track. I'm kinda over getting told to throw my hands up in the air aswell. Thank you, Lorde. You are wise beyond your years. Seriously? 16? What did I do with my life? Oh, repeated the cool lyric. A little less affect the secondtime around, but still a really cool track.
Voice carries out of a sudden end to leads us into "Glory and Gore". This song heads back into the slow groove of the opening tracks, but has a bit of an edge. I like it. The synths she uses. They are almost, like, 90s euro-pop sounds used differently. I like it a lot. I've also notices she uses modulated voices better than any top 40 artist out there. Cool drp out and kick in. Great tune.
"Still Sane" opens with a voice saying something about birthday, and I'm just thinking aobut age again. What is legal drinking age in NZ? Hang on, gonna google this... 18. Damn it. I feel weird again.... Better have more wine...his was a really cool minimalist feeling track.
"White Teath Teens"... Oh god, now the album is just torturing me with age. Oh, shit. That beat is sweet with that snare roll thing. The synth on the up beats makes the song nice and bouncy. Whoa, nice change of pays aobut two mins in. A modulated chorus of voices carries the song along. Allll the way to the end Cool track.
The end of the original release is "A World Alone". It opens with what I think is guitar? Mayve? It's giving a cool feeling whatever it is. The song continues to grow. Nice linear movement. The Lyrics I'm catching are nice, and the song continues with ups and downs, but there is definitely a building feeling continuing throughout. THe oooo's are making me ready for... Well, that was a let down. Cool, but I was hoping for BIG. Decent end to the disc.
On to the "Bonus tracks?" "Bravado" opens with vioce. And oh, that ssweet voice. Holy shit. Modulatd harmonies. HOW id this not make the final cut of the original release? This song is boss! This song is cool as hell. Here are the modulated harmonies again. OH! And shee switched it up just slightly juest for me! Cool, cool track.
"Million Dollar Bills" is the most bubble gummy track on the album so far. The beat starts as a synthed voice and it has a better-than-kesha-yet-still-kesha-y feel too it. It's not bad... But... Not good, either. Also, I purposfully used an "S" instead of a dollar sign because sometimes even celebraties need to be protcted from their own stupidity.
"The Love Club" feels like Lorde's take on the 60's almost. And I like it. The fadding in and out chorual voices are nice. And there is a nice bouncy to the tune. I can dig this. Not amazing, but yeah, alriht.
"Biting Down" pens with a cool wobbly high dron and voice, and I have mad a nice dent in this wine at this pint. This song has a really cool feel.THus far, I'd say the extented ersion is a good chioce. I like the tribal feel to the electronic beat. Cool lyrics here too. I think the is the furthest out side of my comfort zong I've been and still enjoyed. Kudos.
The next song is titled... Sigh.. "Swingin Party". No apostrophe even. Poor form. Anywho, the song is cool. Swelling synth organ. and at tick-tocky beat. And I am STILL in lvoe with her voice. Cool yet short tune.
Final Thoughts:
Excellent disc for what it is. You can tell shes a young artist, but for what you'd think was a twenty-something intellectual being a teenage girl, this album will leave you wowed. I definitely need to own this one, and I look forward to what she puts out int th efuture.
On that note, it's good to be back. I hope all of you are as excited for a whole new year of music as I am. As always, I encoufag commenst, and check out "Upcoming Reviews " To see what lies ahead. I promis futue hiatuses will come with actual notices. Until next time, drink/rock one!
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